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Monitor App Usage

This page shows how to build an Appsmith app to monitor other Appsmith applications by fetching audit logs and displaying data.


  • Appsmith instance with access to Admin setting.
  • Access to the MongoDB URI, either embedded with Appsmith or external.

Fetch usage data

Follow these steps to connect your MongoDB and create queries to fetch usage data:

  1. In Appsmith, open the Admin settings page from the top-right corner.

  2. Open the Advanced tab, and copy the MongoDB URI. If the URI is not available, open the environment variable file (docker.env for Docker or values.yaml for Kubernetes) and copy the APPSMITH_DB_URL. The URI looks like:

  1. Create a new MongoDB datasource using the MongoDB URI:
  • For external MongoDB, use the provided URI or configure it according to your MongoDB setup.

  • For embedded MongoDB (internal), append ?authsource=appsmith to the end of the URI, like this:


For more information on how to configure the MongoDB datasource, see MongoDB.

  1. Create a new query to fetch logs from the auditlog Collection and configure the parameters as needed.
  • For application lifecycle events, use application.created, application.updated, application.deleted, and application.deployed to track when applications are created, modified, deleted, or deployed.

  • To keep track of user actions, use user.logged_in, user.logged_out, and user.signed_up to log user sign-ins, sign-outs, and new user registrations.

  • To track page activities, use page.created, page.viewed, page.updated, and page.deleted to monitor new page creation, views, edits, and deletions.

For more information on how logs are stored, see Log contents.

Example: To display the number of active end users per month on a Chart widget, set the Command as Aggregate and configure the query as shown below:

// This query counts the number of unique active users per month and year, excluding anonymous users, and sorts the results by date.
$match: {
"application.mode": "view", // Only include records where the application is in view mode
"": {
"$not": {
"$regex": "anonymousUser", // Exclude records with anonymous users
"$options": "i" // Case-insensitive matching
$group: {
_id: {
month: { $month: { $toDate: "$timestamp" } }, // Extract month from timestamp
year: { $year: { $toDate: "$timestamp" } } // Extract year from timestamp
uniqueUsers: { $addToSet: "$" } // Group by unique user emails
$project: {
_id: 0,
month: "$_id.month",
year: "$_id.year",
count: { $size: "$uniqueUsers" } // Count the number of unique users
$sort: { year: 1, month: 1 } // Sort results by year and month in ascending order
  1. Drag a Chart widget and set its Series Data property to display the data, like:
{{ => ({ x: Utils.formatDate(item), y: item.count }))}}

Sample App

  • Usage Overview: Get platform activity for the last 30 days.
  • Monthly Usage: A page that shows detailed app usage for the month.
  • Raw Logs: A page that displays raw logs in a tabular format.